Those who know Jack Wang, knows that he is a self proclaimed geek. Jack had a very non-traditional path into VC having worked in a few different operator roles — software engineer, product manager and finance analyst across the US and APAC before starting as a tech investor here in Europe. So naturally when he first came across Project A and the concept of an “operational VC”, I was immediately blown away by the vastness of resources that Project A’s portfolio founders had supporting them. Project A has over one hundred start-up operational experts that are dedicated to their founders with real hands on support — a platform model that is more common among big Silicon Valley funds.
After getting to know the amazing people at Project A over the last few months, Jack is excited to announce that to have joined Project A as a Principal on the investment team. It just makes sense that a tech VC would have technical people that work with their start-ups.
Joining Project A’s growing London office
Jack will be supporting Project A from their London office in doubling down on early stage enterprise / deep tech and further expansion into gaming across Europe and the UK. Project A has already done multiple outstanding investments in both categories, backing founders of disruptive companies such as Spryker, Micropsi and Electric Gamebox. Jack looks forward to turbo boosting the Project A team with his diverse operator background and learnings from backing exceptional founders of enterprise / deep tech start-ups like CarbonChain, DreamQuark and DataForm and gaming start-ups like Streamloots, Omeda Studios and Included Games.

Jack is thrilled to be on board and able to cover two very different categories of tech that are both close to his heart. If you are a founder building an enterprise / deep tech ? or gaming ? start-up please do reach out to Jack.