The Dutch matchmaking company MeetToMatch has made their extensive overview of the international games industry publicly available. It’s conveniently called the International Games Industry Overview and you can find it here.
In it you will find information about games associations, studies, and reports about the games industry, sorted by continent and country. The team of MeetToMatch plans to update the information as much as possible and asks for assistance on collecting the relevant data.
The overview was born out of frustration of the fragmented nature of reliable information about the games industry. CEO Fedor van Herpen: “There is so much information available on the b2b side of the games industry, but we noticed that it took us so much time to find and collect. Also, outdated facts and figures keep turning up in new reports, making it hard to get a good insight on specific regions.

Van Herpen receives a lot of requests for information about the market from his clients. So in the end he decided to bundle all the information and create a resource for the full industry to use. “Publishers and investors who do research on specific markets use the list. Governments to do market research for their own policies. Game associations to see how other countries are progressing. Students and researchers that check up on reliable sources, and use the most up to date information”, says Van Herpen.
Yearly reports
The team will continue to update this sheet and plans to share country/region highlights from time to time. Van Herpen asks game professionals to help keep the overview up to date: “Are you missing a certain association, study or report? Please let us know at and we will add them to the sheet. And don’t forget to set reminders to share yearly country reports with us.”
Disclosure: PreMortem.Games is closely associated with MeetToMatch.